configure DWM v6:
/* commands */ static const char *setxkbmaptogglecmd[] = { "toggle-setxkbmap", NULL }; * modifier key function argument */ { MODKEY, XK_F5, spawn, {.v = setxkbmaptogglecmd } },
toggle-setxkbmap script:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $var; $var=`setxkbmap -v 7`; if ( $var =~ /^variant:\s+colemak$/m ) { system("setxkbmap us"); } else { system("setxkbmap us colemak"); }
- configure conky:
out_to_console yes out_to_x no background no update_interval 1 total_run_times 0 use_spacer left pad_percents 3 TEXT ${execi 10 setxkbmap -v 7 | perl -ne 'BEGIN{$var="qwerty"}$var="colemak" if /^variant:\s+colemak$/;END{print $var}'} ${cpu}% ${mem} ${time %a %b %d, %l:%M%P}
- configure
:conky | while true; read line;do xsetroot -name "$line"; done & exec dwm
- Reference:
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
DWM + Colemak + Conky
Toggle QWERTY and Colemak keyboard layouts with Super+F5 key combination while using DWM with conky notification in status bar in Debian GNU/Linux 6.