Tuesday 19 February 2013

PDFviewer + HTMLtoPDF

A tabbed PDF viewer that displays documents lifesize at 100% zoom, and has a configuration file, and a HTML to PDF converter that preserves links.

Monday 18 February 2013

Build Debian Source Packages

One way to build manually downloaded Debian GNU/Linux source packages assuming build requirements are met including installing build-essential, dpkg-dev, and fakeroot packages.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Bashrc Tips

Some ~/.bashrc tips that include a bash prompt design, a bash function called lst that lists the most recently modified directory entries, aliases p and lsd to navigate directories, and lss alias to sort directory entries according to size in human-readable format. Tested in Debian GNU/Linux 6.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

DWM + Colemak + Conky

Toggle QWERTY and Colemak keyboard layouts with Super+F5 key combination while using DWM with conky notification in status bar in Debian GNU/Linux 6.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Taking Screenshots in DWM

Taking screenshots in DWM using Debian GNU/Linux 6. "Print Scrn" key takes a scrot of the whole desktop, "Shift+Print Scrn" key combination takes a scrot of the focused window, and "Control+Print Scrn" key combination takes a scrot of a selected section of the desktop.

Monday 4 February 2013

DWM Tips

Start DWM at specific tag and select multiple tags with a key bind.

Friday 1 February 2013


Launch/show/hide a scratchpad (ROXTerm terminal emulator) while using DWM with F12 key and launch it while using PCManFM with F4 key. Tested in Debian GNU/Linux 6.